Unfaded [adjective]

Definition of Unfaded:


Synonyms of Unfaded:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unfaded:


Sentence/Example of Unfaded:

Its every incident is etched on the curtain of the past with sharp and unfaded lines.

It does but need fresh and simple eyes to recognize their unfaded life.

The dress was fresh and unfaded, but it was full four years behind the style!

It remains in the memory motionless, unfaded, with its life arrested, in an unchanging light.

We see them at Camp Louisiana proudly wearing their new boots and their uniforms as yet unfaded by the sun.

Mabel prodded the unfaded legs very gently with a pointed stick.

And it is not dim, but stands out clear in the unfaded light of twenty-one years ago.

An unfaded square which she had noted on the wall-paper of the inner room showed where its original place had been.

Or if I could preserve the leaves themselves, unfaded, it would be better still.

He saw her blue eyes, unsharpened and unfaded; he saw her eager face; he heard—alas for him!