Unfamiliarities [noun]
Definition of Unfamiliarities:
Sentence/Example of Unfamiliarities:
His unfamiliarity was not surprising; he had little acquaintance with the stock market.
It had not taken them half an hour to bridge over the gap of unfamiliarity.
The unfamiliarity, even horror, of the situation can be imagined.
I think that this unfamiliarity with armchair life is a misfortune.
But here again she was confronted by the sensation of unfamiliarity.
Our little heads would swim in the sickness of our unfamiliarity.
The sense of unfamiliarity grew upon me as I stood there watching.
I have remarked upon the unfamiliarity of modern students of theology with Peignot's term thologie positive.
Or, as Aristotle had said long before, there must be "a certain admixture of unfamiliarity," a continual slight novelty.
His unfamiliarity with the stairs made him think they were not so nearly perpendicular as was the fact.