Unheeding [adjective]
Definition of Unheeding:
not attentive
Sentence/Example of Unheeding:
The forces hover on the edge of action, unheeding the little noises.
And the man was unheeding, impatient with her demonstrations.
I could not bring myself to ask for payment, and the crowd passed on, unheeding me.
"Then this is how I stand," cut in Garrison steadily, unheeding the advice.
Old Singleton, lost in the serene regions of fiction, read on unheeding.
"I am the honester of the two," she goes on, rapidly, unheeding his anger.
He is not content till his grievance is published to the unheeding world.
John recognised Bateese at once; but Bateese, after a glance, went by unheeding.
That was the lightest of them, but, unheeding Andrea swam on.
And, unheeding her protest, he marched off with a bird-cage and a big band-box.