Unquestionably [adverb]
Definition of Unquestionably:
without a doubt
Sentence/Example of Unquestionably:
In spite of his youth he was unquestionably the dominant spirit here.
It unquestionably established Gladstone as the foremost financier of his day.
That may not be the highest form of art, but it is unquestionably artful.
Unquestionably the Press has a great deal to do with these epidemics.
Blinky was unquestionably in no sort of a humour at all beyond an evil one.
For not only is it unquestionably poetry, but it is also unquestionably dramatic.
Mrs. Lascelles, too, was unquestionably just the woman to marry Pickersgill.
Unquestionably, he said, the wise man speaks with authority when he approves of his own life.
Diotti unquestionably had scored the greatest triumph of his career.
Unquestionably, the man Paddington held the key to the situation.