Unseemliest [adjective]

Definition of Unseemliest:

improper; in bad taste

Synonyms of Unseemliest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unseemliest:

Sentence/Example of Unseemliest:

Let's settle on it now, so as to have no unseemly wrangle when the waiter comes.

Speak not with unseemly levity of the mysteries of the toilet,' he cried.

Do as I would, I could not restrain him from these unseemly shouts.

And once more, the inharmonious and unseemly nature can only tend to disproportion?

Could it be the new footman indulging in this unseemly mirth?

No doubt the king had acted with unseemly haste and lack of consideration.

"David, this is unseemly," exclaimed Schumann, with mock severity.

Carlos and his son Ferdinand were engaged in an unseemly quarrel.

He was ashamed of that unseemly posture, and put his hands in his pockets hurriedly.

"It was all there," but all unseemly, ungraceful, undignified; for Polly Dill was pretty.