Unsuited [adjective]
Definition of Unsuited:
Sentence/Example of Unsuited:
But I need dwell no more on a subject which is unsuited for these pages.
A princely house in every way is this; but how unsuited to ruined fortunes!
Never in the world were two united who were so unsuited to each other.
And the leghorn, unsuited to trials of wind and weather, was left at home.
Meanwhile you are fostering tastes in Madeleine which are unsuited to her condition.
That is a text which is out of date and unsuited to the twentieth century!
It is a graceful custom, but unsuited to our own country and race.
He had married a woman unsuited to him in every way, as he was unsuited to her.
We saw her, and came to the conclusion that she was common—most unsuited to our father.
There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments.