Unwarily [adverb]

Definition of Unwarily:


Opposite/Antonyms of Unwarily:


Sentence/Example of Unwarily:

Unwarily the scholar continued: "Because, in that case, I should not like to interfere."

She unwarily enlarged to him one day upon her disappointment in Florence.

Thereupon, Franklin tells us, the Commissioners "did frankly but unwarily give the Orders."

Then, as I had so often done before, I unwarily gave him an opportunity to enlarge on his theme, to my disadvantage.

One beautiful young horse lost its life just before my arrival, unwarily approaching a precipitous incline.

Muley Abul Hassan had rashly or unwarily thrown the brand that was to produce the wide conflagration.

But while she unwarily put forth her head, the sword of Gunn suddenly pierced her through.

Raskolnikov had unwarily fixed a very long and direct look on him, so that he felt positively affronted.

This Highlander of the Devil had some mechanism in his purse that discharged a small steel pistol when unwarily opened.

By not distinguishing the tenses, an audible reader has often unwarily contused the times.