Unwillingly [adverb]
Definition of Unwillingly:
Synonyms of Unwillingly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Unwillingly:
Sentence/Example of Unwillingly:
Into His light we advance slowly, unwillingly, driven by our pain; but we advance.
Eccles faced him unwillingly, with a stolid front but shifty eyes.
Mr Flintwinch screwed this out of himself, unwillingly and rustily.
Why, I said, do you not see that men are unwillingly deprived of good, and willingly of evil?
Unwittingly, unwillingly, Gonzaga saved the situation by that prayer.
In him it was the almost physical charm of blind will, and she yielded to it unwillingly.
Unwillingly, he went to keep his appointment with her the next morning.
She yielded her lips, but unwillingly; for now her mind was made up.
Perhaps they had deteriorated, I said unwillingly to myself.
They flew, not unwillingly, midway between the earth and the starry heaven.