Upped [verb]

Definition of Upped:


Synonyms of Upped:

Opposite/Antonyms of Upped:

Sentence/Example of Upped:

So we upped anchor with the morning tide, and set all sail for San Salvador.

He knew you were ready to turn him down so he upped with the mool.

They upped stakes and came to Boston as soon as I put the word out.

Then she upped and off with her cap and robe of rushes, and there she was ever so fine and tidy.

It'll be a fair fight, and one or both'll get upped; that's about it.

Then he upped the speed to 186,000 miles per second and came back and shyly told Brad.

He swallowed grimly, "aventred" his own spear, and upped Easy Money's pace.

So one day when he was twelve years old he upped with him and offed with him into the great forest near St. David's.

The first day she come in and saw Abe at his desk, she thought he was squintin for fun, and she upped and laughed right out.

She upped and oped it, and what should she see but a small little black thing with a long tail.