Urb [noun]

Definition of Urb:

large town

Synonyms of Urb:

Opposite/Antonyms of Urb:


Sentence/Example of Urb:

Written this second of March, from the gate of the Urbs Beata.

It was a combination of urbs in rure, which my experience had not prepared me to anticipate.

They have been understood as saying that the suburbs were two miles from their urbs.

Urbs, "city," seems here rather to designate country or territory.

For urbs and oppidum in apposition with a Locative, see 169, 4.

The king conferred honour and rewards on the loyal city, to which he gave the proud title of urbs intacta.

Urbs erat interea Francorum inhospita turnis, Maurorum votis adsociata magis.

But what is of more interest to us is that the legal signification of Urbs and Roma was different.

Is not its illustrious ancestry evident in the nobleness and high-mindedness of the present Urbs Augustan generation?

Urbs antiqua ruit, fnultos domint a per annos; Plurima perque vias sternuntur inertia passim.