Utricle [noun]
Definition of Utricle:
seed of fruit, vegetable
Opposite/Antonyms of Utricle:
Sentence/Example of Utricle:
In animal cells the former is wanting, the membrane representing the utricle.
Utricle (pyxis) of Amaranth, opening all round (circumscissile).
The base of the stapes communicates 723 pressures to the utricle.
Pressure of the base of the stapes is exerted on the utricle.
A simple primordial cell or utricle, the most simply organized being, whether animal or vegetable matters little.
The fruit is a utricle, having a single seed, encircled by a broad thin transparent membrane.
Sepals 5, united below in an indurated cup, enclosing the utricle.
Calyx 5-parted, fleshy, enclosing the fruit (utricle) and often carinate or crested.
Subsequently constrictions appear in the vesicle marking off the saccule and utricle.
Fruit a perfectly or incompletely 3-celled many-seeded capsule, or a 1-celled 1-seeded utricle.