Utter [adjective]

Definition of Utter:

outright, absolute

Synonyms of Utter:

Opposite/Antonyms of Utter:

Sentence/Example of Utter:

No one has seen him shed a tear, of heard him utter a complaint.

I am more grateful to you than words can utter—and I will always be glad to do anything for you.

Yet he failed not to regard these indulgences as utter folly.

He gazes at me, as if he were about to utter a word of paternal advice.

One of the marvellous things about the child was his utter lack of favouritism.

From the height of pride and confidence he falls to utter hopelessness.

To remain was utter ruin, both to themselves and their fellow-citizens.

A hopeless air of utter defeat came into the thin, sharp face.

I perceive in your eyes, my indulgent spectators, the criticism which you are too kind to utter.

"Possibly not, Peter," said Linda, smiling on him with utter confidence.