Valiantly [adverb]
Definition of Valiantly:
Synonyms of Valiantly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Valiantly:
Sentence/Example of Valiantly:
"You shall have your own boudoir upstairs," said Sidney valiantly.
But whenever he has the power, depend upon it, he will butt at one as valiantly as the other.
They were confused, unwelcome thoughts, but she entertained them valiantly.
Phipps, however, held on valiantly, hoping almost against hope.
"Pooh, I shan't mind how criss-cross he is," declared Patricia valiantly.
"I'm goin' to the Front with the Reg'ment," he said valiantly.
Busy as I was, I had time to mark well how stoutly and valiantly they fought.
However, he did not cease from valiantly continuing his way.
I wouldn't hesitate a moment to shoot him,' said he, valiantly. '
How could he flee, when this old soldier was fighting 261 so valiantly for him in the trenches?