Valueless [adjective]

Definition of Valueless:


Synonyms of Valueless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Valueless:


Sentence/Example of Valueless:

If it is valueless, then you and he will be two of the sufferers; if it is all you think it is, then you will be the gainers.

He himself thought that the regions he had crossed were valueless.

This statement may be true, and yet it is valueless as an argument for higher rates.

On Kygpton there was a variety of useful metals, others that were valueless.

If the ceremonies do not renew the soul they are valueless and hurtful.

Yet some of them buy a great many that are valueless in spite of this lack.

Our government can aid only in lands; in valueless lands she is or may be wealthy.

That the first—let me say it with great reverence—is valueless without the second.

Many of them are of no value whatever or are even worse than valueless.

According to Skoropikin, every ancient work of art is valueless because it is old.