Variances [noun]
Definition of Variances:
Synonyms of Variances:
● Discord
● Dissent
● Disunity
● Argument
● Variety
● Change
● Conflict
● Mutation
● Division
● Strife
● Switch
Sentence/Example of Variances:
We have exacted from him what is at variance with the fixed Chinese policy of ages.
She and his father had been at variance from his earliest remembrance.
I have reason to curse those interests; they are for ever at variance with mine.
He was in no hurry, however; he did not love her then, since he could be satisfied to live at variance with her.
She had gone to bed angry with Pascal; they were at variance with each other.
This opinion, however, is at variance with the statements of Phrantzes and Gerlach.
The ideal is not easily reduced to the conditions of actual life, and may often be at variance with them.
But to suppose this would be at variance with Plato himself and with Greek notions generally.
These two important provinces seem so often to be at variance.
But the admission of the pre-existence of ideas, and therefore of the soul, is at variance with this.