Vegan [adjective]
Definition of Vegan:
Opposite/Antonyms of Vegan:
Sentence/Example of Vegan:
“Not to look for trouble,” the Vegan girl said in a frightened voice.
Margot Dennison looked at the frightened Vegan girl and smiled.
The man was wearing Vegan clothes, but he wasn't Bart's father.
But from what you say, I'd rather be in bed with a rattler than have a treaty with a Vegan.
"Oh, I didn't mean you in particular," the Vegan said with a negligent wave.
Just then a Vegan girl, blue-skinned and fantastically wasp-waisted like all her kind, drifted over to Ramsey.
There was a description of himself, a description of the Vegan girl, and a wanted bulletin issued on them.