Velocipede [noun]
Definition of Velocipede:
pedal-driven recreational vehicle
Opposite/Antonyms of Velocipede:
Sentence/Example of Velocipede:
Yes, and the velocipede; you've got the scar of that yet, I see.
They were standing in the door, just outside which, on the sidewalk, was a velocipede.
The "draisena" was the forerunner of the velocipede and bicycle.
Don't you want us to raise the velocipede, so you can ride some more?
If desired, this toy may be made up with three wheels like a velocipede.
You are never to ride outside a velocipede in the rain again.
But he had said it himself—I was to have a velocipede "when his ship came in."
If there was a velocipede for me on a barge, it would get black and sooty.
After all my waiting and watching I never saw the ship that fetched my velocipede.
Immediately, Mr. Dennett became concerned about my velocipede.