Ventilators [noun]
Definition of Ventilators:
Synonyms of Ventilators:
● Duct
● Pipe
● Flue
● Chimney
● Orifice
● Drain
● Opening
● Spout
● Exit
● Split
● Aperture
● Hole
● Avenue
Sentence/Example of Ventilators:
As there was no window or other ventilator, and it was a warm day, I could not close the door.
They came to her clearly through the ventilator above the fanlight.
“No; lower all down through the ventilator,” cried Mark, from where he had walked.
"No more," repeated Hewitt, rattling his stick in the ventilator again.
As they drew near he perceived that it was a large ship's ventilator.
It is a cupboard with a ventilator in the top and a box of sawdust in the bottom.
The ventilator that was to feed it formed practically a part of the motor itself.
Great metal pails were let down to us from above through a ventilator.
This chimney acts as a ventilator to the incubating chambers.
The alteration of a door panel into a ventilator costs only a shilling or two.