Virtue [noun]

Definition of Virtue:

honor, integrity

Opposite/Antonyms of Virtue:

Sentence/Example of Virtue:

Let young men hear the praise of virtue from the lips of beauty.

I asked him what reward the Helots had for bravery or virtue.

Who, that has once trespassed with them, ever recovered his virtue?

She made a virtue of necessity; and the man was quite another man with her. '

It is their virtue in life to be lonely, and none but the lonely man in tragedy may be great.

Can it be that the rarity of this virtue in England has to do with our living in a straitened island?

They are presented as good and evil, as vice and virtue, as villainy and heroism.

And Laertes says that "virtue itself" cannot escape calumny.

His affection for Cassius is not a virtue to one in especial.

Talk with Simba, with my men, and know what virtue is in my magic.