Vividly [adverb]

Definition of Vividly:


Synonyms of Vividly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vividly:


Sentence/Example of Vividly:

I vividly remember the first occasion on which I saw Bismarck.

It all came back to me vividly now and I tried to tell what I had seen.

I saw the Tennyson funeral in the Abbey, and remember it vividly.

How she works, how she studies, how she suffers, are vividly portrayed.

But piracy in the far future, when presented as vividly as in this story, can be scary stuff.

A lot of details perceptible to a seaman struck my eye, vividly in that instant.

But incidents of the voyage come to me as vividly as if they had happened but yesterday.

With my mind's eye I can see our first cabin as vividly as on the day it was finished.

Everybody was now half and half, or, as Tudie vividly spoke it, "haff and hahf."

However, what I so vividly dreamt was this, since you would like to hear.