Vogue [adjective]

Definition of Vogue:


Synonyms of Vogue:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vogue:

Sentence/Example of Vogue:

Circular windows at this period came into vogue in the gables of churches.

My aunt then sang a song which was very much in vogue, and made a great success.

Although at every point she was far from vogue, she impressed me not unpleasantly.

I mean to say, I felt that I was vogue in the finest sense of the word.

When the philosophy of M. Descartes appeared, what a vogue it had!

I must remark that the poets have greatly contributed to set all these imaginations in vogue.

Brummelism—and I hate it—it is just Brummelism—is somewhat out of vogue at this time of day.

Mrs. Austen had known him when she was in shorter frocks than those then in vogue.

The mysteries of Isis, not in vogue in Greece, but very popular in Rome.

It was the vogue of the philosophers, and not their philosophy that made Catherine their friend.