Wagged [verb]
Definition of Wagged:
wiggle back and forth
Synonyms of Wagged:
● Quiver
● Swing
● Nod
● Sway
● Shake
● Vibrate
● Wave
● Beat
● Switch
● Shimmy
● Rock
● Lash
● Waggle
● Bob
● Twitch
● Stir
● Flutter
Sentence/Example of Wagged:
Old Bob wagged his head in slow negation; young William lifted his.
Then she wagged the stump of her tail, and they considered themselves acquainted.
And I'd have broke the head of the first man that'd wagged a tongue.
"To ward off possible traitors," she told him, and Marius smiled and wagged his head.
Beth wagged her head like a solemn child and then laid her other hand on his.
He wagged his head and the long black sword made a half-circle.
And old Angus wagged his head and said, "Canny lass, the widdy!"
Jerry Dodd looked reproachfully at Daphne and wagged his head.
"The south is a big section of the country," and Ruth wagged her head.
Here the dog placidly stood and wagged its tail, looking up at us.