Waging [verb]
Definition of Waging:
carry on
Opposite/Antonyms of Waging:
Sentence/Example of Waging:
We are not waging war against the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands.
Oh, Mary O'Neill, what a strange contradictory war you are waging!
I envisaged then this tiny Moon-crater, the scene of this battle we were waging.
He had not done so with the purpose of waging war upon Spain.
And who through our nation is waging the fight?What host from the battle is flying?
As for the fight with Old Piper, there was no longer a reason for waging it.
It seemed impossible to them that that battle could still be waging, but it was.
The Illinois, against whom you are waging war, are our brothers.
And then Sampiero was waging deadly war against the Genoese.
This was the fight that Roosevelt was waging in every hour of his political career.