Waists [noun]

Definition of Waists:

part of the torso between the ribs and hips

Synonyms of Waists:

Opposite/Antonyms of Waists:


Sentence/Example of Waists:

His arm was about her waist, and hers rested on his shoulder.

Stand fast with the anchors in the waist, and be ready for a cast.

Johnny Rosenfeld still lay in his ward, inert from the waist down.

The Sikh wears his hair down to his waist; the Pathan shaves his head.

So she ran and sat down behind her husband, clasping him round the waist.

He slipped his hand from Maggie's and slowly put his arm round her waist.

There was no harm in a fellow putting his arm round a girl's waist.

He took his arm away from Maggie's waist, and edged a little away from her.

I believe his waders fasten, not round his waist, but round his neck.

I said, passing my arm round her waist and drawing her a little closer.