Wands [noun]

Definition of Wands:


Synonyms of Wands:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wands:


Sentence/Example of Wands:

A second and a third time the Ethiopian touched him with his wand, and spoke in whispers.

I looked at the impassive face of the spokesman with the wand.

Or the Master of the Wand may burn incense before the wand in the cabin.

Then he must take the wand and swing it over the water three times, in a circle.

But has your nobleness any serious objection to my carrying a wand?

You can't wave a wand over Ireland, and say 'Let there be light!'

We seem to be touched by a wand which makes us dance and run about happily, like children.

Every body knows the secret of Circé's wand, which changed men into beasts.

That night in Warwick Gardens, it had been like the touch of some evil magician's wand.

Take a chair,” said the fairy, “and I will ring for the wand of speech.