Wanter [adjective]

Definition of Wanter:

deny or be denied

Synonyms of Wanter:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wanter:






Sentence/Example of Wanter:

You comin' one way en I gwine nudder; how come you wanter ride?'

I know that he 'un stole my hog, and I wanter see him sent to prison.

"Tell us all about it Obadiah, we wanter hear it agin," was the general demand.

We don't have to; but we wanter, so we can go to the circus that's comin' to-morrer.

If we wanter do any sailin' it's time to be off, 'cause this wind's dyin' out mighty fast.

What you wanter breng your trunk away on Sunday fer, Mr. Lindsay?

Thats what we wanter know, cause Dil wants to go an take me.

"Miss Ritta say she wanter see you right now," insisted Larceeny.

Drive me out to your camps if you wanter; or stick a knife in me and save trouble.

The way it all started one colored man throwed down a bright dime to a Yankee fo sompin he wanter buy.