Wantons [adjective]

Definition of Wantons:

extravagant, lustful

Synonyms of Wantons:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wantons:

Sentence/Example of Wantons:

How could I have imagined that a young noble would be grateful, or a wanton true?

This language is wanton cruelty,—it is fiendish insult,—is it not, Evelyn?

But I wad sing on wanton wing, When youthfu' May its bloom renew'd.

Wherefore a man ought not to play the wanton, but should learn in season.

Faithful had been assailed by 'Wanton,' and had been obliged to fly from her.

But the wanton lures me to a village far from the road on the other side of the gorge.

Why, all being as you say, should he work so wanton a destruction?

"'Twas that wanton at Malpas was the cause of all," he complained.

There was a wanton insolence in the spirit of this outrage which appalled even me.

Lay all of these wanton and vain-glorious notions out of your head.