Warding [verb]

Definition of Warding:

defend, guard

Synonyms of Warding:

Opposite/Antonyms of Warding:

Sentence/Example of Warding:

He raised a hand with the gesture of one warding off a blow.

He had been warding off the moment of despair, but he could do so no longer now.

The attitude of warding off reveals itself as fastidiousness and as bashfulness.

It was sufficient for Mascarin to be assured of a danger to find means of warding it off.

She raised her tiny hands before her face as if she were warding off a blow.

She held out her hands to him, palm outwards, as if warding off some present danger.

It is to explain that and to ask your cooperation in warding off the holocaust that I have sent for you.

The potency of charms in warding off evil spirits is believed in.

Carl is warding them off, protecting me as much as possible.

To the amethyst was attributed the power of warding off the effects of drunkenness.