Warmed [adjective]

Definition of Warmed:

moderately hot

Synonyms of Warmed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Warmed:

Sentence/Example of Warmed:

Why, at that fellow's house he gives you that claret wine as warm as soup.

If that man was a woman he'd be a warm neighbourhood gossip.

"Now we're getting where Christians live," said Percival, with warm appreciation.

I had a warm regard for your father, and shall be glad to help your mother if there is any occasion.

Mrs. Morgan gave Robert a reception as warm as her husband had done.

Bates was a stout sailor, rough in appearance, but with a warm and kindly heart.

Here the employees are served with a warm dinner at prices varying from 2d.

He was the warm supporter and intimate friend of the celebrated Canning.

With what warmth of benevolence—how should he be otherwise than warm in any of his attributes?

"Nobly have you done, my dear son," he cried, with warm emotion.