Warned [adjective]
Definition of Warned:
made aware
Opposite/Antonyms of Warned:
Sentence/Example of Warned:
When large shipments of gold were to be made, for instance, he was often warned beforehand.
I think I should have warned you of that before you took the room.
But that night the camp was warned that an attack was probable.
Maria had warned her not to waken her grandfather, so she admired it in whispers.
Her fears had been solely for my safety, and she had warned me!
She would have, he warned her, to be very nice to his political friends.
Don't forget I've warned you what'll happen if you try to break even with me.
I warned you how it would be,—your own selfishness will betray and ruin you.
Peppajee kept on his trail till he got that snake bite, and he warned me a plenty.
The aunt warned me; that Conway woman warned me; the Jasmine Lady warned me.