Warrantable [adjective]

Definition of Warrantable:

reasonable, well-founded

Synonyms of Warrantable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Warrantable:

Sentence/Example of Warrantable:

To delay their publication did not, indeed, appear to be warrantable.

Tribute is tribute, and Mr. Worthington was a warrantable gentleman.

Four or five hours are often spent by the most skilful harbourer in tracking a warrantable stag to his lair.

It is a necessary and warrantable pride to disdain to walk servilely behind any individual, however elevated his rank.

"A warrantable deer," answered Rube, and each mused in silence for more than a minute.

Her private room was sacred to herself alone, and unless armed with a most warrantable errand nobody ever ventured to disturb her.

Any one interfering with my intentions steps entirely beyond the line of just and warrantable procedure.

One day after prayer, the king asked him, If it was warrantable in prayer to determine a controversy?

The ever-increasing demand has driven the cost of a "warrantable" five-year-old bull up to 70 or 80.

That action is not warrantable which either blushes to beg a blessing, or, having succeeded, dares not present a thanksgiving.