Watchword [noun]
Definition of Watchword:
Synonyms of Watchword:
Opposite/Antonyms of Watchword:
Sentence/Example of Watchword:
Extirpation has been the watchword with which Caucasian Christianity has gone about the world.
It is too well understood by those who know me that I have Equality for my watchword.
It is the watchword of the most thickly coppered Copperheads.
Such ought to be the watchword for a long, long time to come.
And to nerve our arms a woman's honour, and to guide us aright, the watchword: "Home!"
Cyrus wondered who had given the order, and asked what the watchword was.
"Not mine but thine also," is the watchword of the wise in love.
He answered, "that it was the watchword, passing now for the second time."
And now the trumpets blare; the watchword for war passes along.
He had adopted as his motto and watchword the fatal Cui bono?