Waterfall [noun]
Definition of Waterfall:
Opposite/Antonyms of Waterfall:
Sentence/Example of Waterfall:
What could make the river run at this pace—a weir—or a waterfall?
If the waterfall sketches were not exaggerations, he would like to see the originals.
She'll keep that appointment for me at eight o'clock to-night by the waterfall.
You had to dash through a waterfall to get into your damp bed.
One afternoon we walked sixteen miles through a rain which was like a waterfall.
Breakfasted at the inn at Tinnyhinch, and then drove to the park to see the waterfall.
One might forget his friends and relatives, but not a waterfall like that!
Of course, she told them about the boat, and the current in the middle of the lake, and the waterfall.
Anuenue (a-n-e-n-e)--a rainbow; a waterfall in Hilo (p. 61, verse 13).
That boot was afterwards found on a ledge of rock near the waterfall.