Weakening [verb]

Definition of Weakening:

reduce the strength of

Synonyms of Weakening:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weakening:

Sentence/Example of Weakening:

The minister was weakening most lamentably, giving her husband a loophole to escape.

Yet he was conscious that his will was weakening; that he did not mean to go down to the steamer just yet.

I will not run the risk of weakening this reasoning by expansion.

This is no sign of the weakening of the spiritual hold on reality.

Yet his pride and his sense of the justice due to be done admitted of no weakening.

He was saddle-sore and weary, but his purpose knew no weakening.

Still, after what had been said, it was imperative to show no weakening.

As for the weakening of Serbia, it could not be entertained.

And there is reason for thinking that the enemy is weakening.

He was weakening, but I thought I was worse off than he was.