Wears [noun]

Definition of Wears:

use, corrosion

Synonyms of Wears:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wears:

Sentence/Example of Wears:

Was it probable that she had anything suitable to wear to a lecture?

The grace of your figure makes everything you wear becoming.

Dare you to wear your brother's coat without the crescent which should stamp you as his cadet.

Why, you jack-fool, what would it be about save who should wear the crown of France?

No wonder Lady Macbeth declares she would be ashamed "to wear a heart so white."

The question of what to wear became, for the men, an earnest one.

Mr. Jenkins, the grocer, rented a cutaway, and bought a new Panama to wear with it.

The loose, flowing robe of her daily wear is of classic grace and dignity.

But twas right not to stay long enough to wear out your welcome.

If we wear peace on our mouths we wear it in our hearts also.'