Weediest [adjective]

Definition of Weediest:


Opposite/Antonyms of Weediest:


Sentence/Example of Weediest:

Whether they were or not, did not appear; but they all had a weedy look.

The gravel sweep was weedy, and grass had sprung up at the very jaws of the garage.

I was growing up tall and weedy, and most like my strength went into that.

"We don't go quick, do we" he remarked, and looked on the weedy track for another.

Dews hung red and grey on the weedy banks and wayside trees.

More easily thought than done;—the goose stoutly resists, and refuses to accompany the fresh-water shark to his weedy home.

"Nobby" was a weedy little Cockney who became my "batman," or servant.

In rugged and weedy places the hooks must be kept free from rocks and weeds.

Whatever was pinkish of it was now hidden by a skerry of weedy boulders.

A quill float is useful in weedy places, or about brush and logs.