Weightier [adjective]

Definition of Weightier:


Synonyms of Weightier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weightier:

Sentence/Example of Weightier:

"Let them be supplied with all that is heavy and weighty in the ship," said Sir Nigel.

He brought his chair to a level and pounded the desk with a weighty fist.

And if they essay to do so, why should not my word be at least as weighty as theirs?

But Mr Tite Barnacle was a buttoned-up man, and consequently a weighty one.

His words on the subject are weighty, and worthy of being held in remembrance.

Her feet were refusing to carry her, leaden and weighty as they seemed.

Sticks and stones, large and weighty, are hurled at him from all sides.

The language is weighty, abrupt, and in some passages sublime.

"Not for me, thank you," said Harriet, after a weighty pause.

Your message will have need to be a weighty one, sir, to earn our patience for your impertinence.