Weighting [verb]

Definition of Weighting:

burden, saddle

Synonyms of Weighting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weighting:

Sentence/Example of Weighting:

It is then taken out, and after rinsing is ready for the “weighting” operations.

The weighting agents most generally used are sugar and acetate of lead.

Save sample for Experiment 23 and note the effect of weighting on the yarn.

It is supposed to have been used for weighting a fishing net.

Afterwards I circumvented it by weighting it with a stone or propping it up.

"Perhaps he was weighting himself down with water," he thought.

I told 'em it was weighting him out of the race, but they laughed at me.

Glucose and resin are also used for weighting upper leather.

Weighting the envelope with a coin, he threw it into the air.

Kingozi himself worked hard, arranging the loads, covering them with tarpaulins, weighting the edges.