Whang [verb]

Definition of Whang:


Synonyms of Whang:

Opposite/Antonyms of Whang:

Sentence/Example of Whang:

By the 17 look of him he was about ready to whang loose through the door.

He could whang away at a quarter with that sawed-off .45 of his and hit it every crack.

Oh, by the by, Hal, the Whang Doodle has made her appearance in our parts again.

He liked to make things, and fix things, and whang away at his anvil.

Bang, whang, go the wrestlers below, with loud shouts and laughter.

The next second the finger jammed into the ground, and the whang of Gonzales's rifle cut through the valley.

The birds are bagged with a gentle remonstrance, and Luath's exploit rewarded with a whang of cheese.

He pu'd a turnip, an' was juist gaun to whang off the shaw, when doon he drappit in the middle o' the drill as deid as Abel.'

“Like a bomb—it goes off with a whang,” answered a freckle-faced boy standing near.

That "whang" was the blow with which the door, wrenched off its hinges, was flung against the side of the wood-house.