Whimsicalities [noun]
Definition of Whimsicalities:
Synonyms of Whimsicalities:
● Fun
● Joke
● Satire
● Repartee
● Jest
● Prank
● Drollery
● Levity
● Lark
● Raillery
● Pun
● Aphorism
● Banter
● Gag
● Sally
● Quip
● Badinage
● Trick
● Wordplay
● Bon mot
Sentence/Example of Whimsicalities:
For a moment the whimsicality of it interrupted the current of his feeling.
Depressed and intent as he was, the whimsicality of the situation struck him.
I am aware of his age as he talks and I get more of his spirit of whimsicality.
Doubtless, as you say, he was struck by the whimsicality of Cecily's costume.
The stories are touched with a peculiar delicacy and whimsicality.
"No; I dare say not," said Jimmie Dale—and then the whimsicality dropped from him.
There was a whimsicality about Gower's way of taking this that pleased MacRae.
Here is a whimsicality you would not find, I think, among another people.
He was proud of Bobby, and of her smartness and whimsicality; and about everything she did was right in his eyes.
The charm of these essays is a frank note of autobiography tempered by a kindly humor and whimsicality peculiar to Lamb.