Whispered [adjective]
Definition of Whispered:
spoken in a soft or quiet voice
Opposite/Antonyms of Whispered:
Sentence/Example of Whispered:
"She won't be married," he whispered to himself in the darkness.
He whispered to the marshal that he would return, and slipped through the window.
"Dry or slimy, you would be just the same dear old Dick," she whispered.
"There sits the prince," whispered Sir John Chandos, as they entered.
"I would see him in the claws of the devil first," whispered Ford.
As he lifted the boy to the saddle, the Trainer whispered a few concise directions.
"You ought to see the whole house," Milly whispered, as we were slowly ascending.
"It's another of those fiendish messengers," whispered Yates.
"This is what I call a rescue," whispered Yates to his linked companion.
"My poor, dear child," she whispered, as she had done the previous evening in church.