Whispering [adjective]
Definition of Whispering:
Sentence/Example of Whispering:
Already the inward monitor was whispering to her, "Arise, flee for your life!"
I could not refrain from whispering, "Don't cry—I am alive."
The sergeant was already there, whispering to Colonel Winchester.
Suddenly there was a hum and a stir and a buzz of whispering in the room.
Memories of the past are whispering to him: 'Choose the flower.
A long stream of men, vague, whispering shadows, glided away.
A corporal was shaking me and whispering "Make no noise; mount and fall in."
He sank upon a stump, whispering "That was worse than ten fights."
I understand now his whispering to me that he wished he was dead.
Five were intent on a game of dice, whispering fiercely while they played.