Whitish [adjective]

Definition of Whitish:

white, cloudy

Synonyms of Whitish:

Opposite/Antonyms of Whitish:

Sentence/Example of Whitish:

Its plumage is a whitish grey; and it is about the size of a capon.

It is quite large in size, white or whitish, very woolly or floccose.

The gills are thin, close, white or whitish, and very decurrent.

It is sometimes white or whitish, but more frequently like the cap.

The gills are broad, close, adnate, whitish or pale cinereous.

Gills narrow, close, adnexed or free, whitish or tinged with flesh-color.

The gills are attached to the stem, often with a decurrent tooth, whitish.

The gills are slightly decurrent, whitish then gray, somewhat crowded.

The gills are distant, rather broad, shortly decurrent, whitish.

The gills are rotundate-free, close, narrow, whitish or pallid.