Wikiups [noun]

Definition of Wikiups:

portable canvas shelter

Synonyms of Wikiups:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wikiups:


Sentence/Example of Wikiups:

He just stuck his nose into old Hagar's wikiup—and one sniff seemed to be about all he wanted.

Then he saw Peppajee sitting beside his own wikiup, and went to him instead.

This stuff will do for firewood, and in a minute you can take the ax and I will build the wikiup.

To his surprise, Brent found that inside the wikiup he could breathe freely.

The first of these I saw was in old Jennie Davenport's wikiup.

He makes a wikiup of branches, lights a small fire, and plays solitaire until the weather clears.

They would wait until they could pass judgment upon this girl who had come to live in the wikiup of the Harts.

The veneer of white men's ways dropped from him when he entered his own wikiup, and he would not speak quickly.

The camp was merely a litter of refuse and the ashes of various campfires, with one wikiup standing forlorn in the midst.

Peppajee sucked hard upon his pipe, took it away from his mouth, and knocked out the ashes upon a pole of the wikiup frame.