Wildest [adjective]
Definition of Wildest:
Synonyms of Wildest:
● Savage
● Natural
● Lush
● Free
● Waste
● Desert
● Overrun
● Native
● Agrarian
● Barbaric
● Dense
● Deserted
● Desolate
● Escaped
● Feral
● Fierce
● Rampant
● Rude
● Unbroken
● Vicious
Opposite/Antonyms of Wildest:
Sentence/Example of Wildest:
Yet it is not always the burliest and the wildest who are the most to be dreaded.
And don't trust him at any time; for when he seems most rational, he's wildest in his talk.
These roads crossed the wildest regions of that great monarchy.
And he went on to propound the wildest schemes for getting away.
Its blaze illumined one of the wildest of imaginable scenes.
To the average person this would have sounded like the wildest insanity.
And as for Bradley and I not bein' satisfied with your mother that is the wildest idea of all.
Never at the wildest hazard would I have named this for the end of it.
But frankly, sir, your tale by far outstrips my wildest imaginings.
"I must think of some way out of this," thought Dorothy, in the wildest agony.