Wimps [noun]

Definition of Wimps:


Synonyms of Wimps:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wimps:


Sentence/Example of Wimps:

Mr. Wimp has found no possible clue to such conduct in his papers.

Grodman saw it and watched her, and fooled Wimp to the top of his bent.

And yet, had not Mrs. Wimp let out as much at the Christmas dinner?

Another of Wimp's grandmother-in-law's delusions was that Wimp had married to get her into the family.

Wimp did what work he could do at home in a secluded study at the top of the house.

This was Wimp's wife's mother's mother, a lady of sweet seventy.

At this moment Wimp felt that Grodman had been right in remaining a bachelor.

Wimp's eye glittered with excitement and contempt for Grodman's blindness.

This time Wimp would be one of them; and, he felt, deservedly so.

Grodman saw it, and watched her, and fooled Wimp to the top of his bent.