Windiest [adjective]
Definition of Windiest:
Synonyms of Windiest:
● Blustery
● Stormy
● Brisk
● Gusty
● Airy
● Blowing
● Fresh
● Raw
● Wild
● Blowy
● Drafty
● Squally
Sentence/Example of Windiest:
There's nothing like sitting still after a windy day on camel back.
I told you not to keep on the windy side, Mark, but to let us change and change about.
Once more it was Mr Coningham, riding hitherward from the windy trees.
One says it has been wet, and another it has been windy, and another it has been warm.
It was, indeed, a cheerless encampment for a cold, windy December night.
Lantern in hand, she splashed out into the wet, windy darkness.
His expression as he listened had been changing like the sky on a windy day in April.
Aye, but it's a pity he doesna' bide there, for he's naething to be windy of when he comes out of it.
It described her attempt to climb to the top of an omnibus on a windy day.
We leave them in the early morning and get down into the windy station at Valence.