Winning [adjective]
Definition of Winning:
Sentence/Example of Winning:
If we are to keep in the race at all, to say nothing of winning it, the spirit must be free.
He could not even keep her after winning her; desire blinded him.
The winning of a battle is not enough to engage all our admiration; it must be won by an artist.
What a winning singularity must have distinguished his actions!
She now suffered him to regain courage, by winning back some of his own money.
I had hoped that I should win, that I was winning, my way to her affection!
But there is nothing singular in that; who could help loving so beautiful and winning a creature!
But Hamish could not lose his sunny temperament, his winning manner.
Let the Doctor play the winning game; I will play the losing one.
I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his.