Withering [adjective]

Definition of Withering:


Synonyms of Withering:

Opposite/Antonyms of Withering:


Sentence/Example of Withering:

"That's Episcopal," Pee-wee said with withering superiority!

The hair was sandy; half of it had been burned to the scalp in a withering flame.

They seem to see the withering effect of criticism on original genius.

But to his field repaired each day to view his withering crop.

The elaborate sarcasm of these questions was intended to be withering.

As for me, the garden of my mind is withering, and I am consuming the seed I ought to sow.

As he laid over he saw the withering fire on the runway lift.

You 'll be charmed with Withering, he has such a fund of agreeability.

Be it so, Mr. Withering; but prejudice is only another word for an instinct.

Withering must be made believe that we are all off together for the country this evening.