Wittier [adjective]

Definition of Wittier:

funny and clever

Synonyms of Wittier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wittier:

Sentence/Example of Wittier:

All men—Spenser as well as Jonson—found him gentle and witty, gay and generous.

Ordinary London slang is full of witty things said by nobody in particular.

He was young, well-spoken, witty, and skilled in all martial and manly exercises.

I was in the mood to say pretty things, and I had never felt so witty.

The devil having him at advantage, began to be witty with him.

Mighty pleasant and witty, by my body; sixty years, forsooth!

It was nothing—only the quip of a witty fellow, descendant of a Spanish freebooter.

I say this last because it piques me that I have never extracted any witty remark from her.

And he laughed heartily at what he fancied was a most witty conceit.

She neither smiled when he was witty, nor looked shocked at his levities.